17 June 2010

Hey, journals

I produce some unique books, with limited quantities, and of course available for sale. hand embroidery and hand painting on the cover of the book. you can use it as a journal, or even as a sketchbook. I'll sell these books in my housewares store..

Btw, I am preparing a housewares store and hopefully it can really work well. Why housewares? because i am a housewife! hahaha, i hate that word, reminds me of the word "desperate".


  1. eh baguuus! aku pernah bikin buku beginian. hahaha.. spesial cuman buat 1 orang. isinya, foto dan cerita. bbeeeh.. ngebut bikinnya.

  2. ah sial! ternyata kamu juga bisa bindingnya!!!
