Sunday june 13, me and my good friends learned Tye dye with mas Arwin (master of tye dye). tye dye is the art of dyeing cloth by dipping the cloth into the dye solution (that's why called tye dye). you can play the colors by dipping the cloth repeatedly into the solution of different colors. the cloth will be more colorful.
we learned to dye fabric with two techniques, by naptol, and indiegosol. naptol is a kind of powder. naptol will be mixed with water and useful as a binder of color. i forgot about indiegosol technique, so i can't explain it. hahaha.
we learned to dye fabric with two techniques, by naptol, and indiegosol. naptol is a kind of powder. naptol will be mixed with water and useful as a binder of color. i forgot about indiegosol technique, so i can't explain it. hahaha.
tau wantex ngga mba? dulu jaman sd aku diajarin bikin motif semacam tye dye (ngga tau ding tye dye apa bukan). .air di rebus sampe mendidih lalu pewarna (yang kata guruku adalah wantex)dimasukin ke air rebusan. terus beberapa batu sekepal tangan kita bungkus pake kain polos, diiket pake tali. celupin deh ke air rebusan, tp bagian kain yang ada batunya ngga ikut kita masukin. tunggu 1 jam an, terus ikatan batu kita lepas, jadi deh motif lingkaran yang menurutku mirip tye dye..tye dye bukan sih? hehe
ReplyDeleteiya, itu termasuk tye dye. bahkan mas arwin (master of tye dye) menjelaskan bahwa batik juga merupakan salah satu teknik tye dye. tye dye itu punya banyak teknik juga ragam bahan pewarna, dan (menurut kesimpulan saya) yang menjadi benang merahnya adalah "celup".