Sunday june 13, me and my good friends learned Tye dye with mas Arwin (master of tye dye). tye dye is the art of dyeing cloth by dipping the cloth into the dye solution (that's why called tye dye). you can play the colors by dipping the cloth repeatedly into the solution of different colors. the cloth will be more colorful. we learned to dye fabric with two techniques, by naptol, and indiegosol. naptol is a kind of powder. naptol will be mixed with water and useful as a binder of color. i forgot about indiegosol technique, so i can't explain it. hahaha.
I produce some unique books, with limited quantities, and of course available for sale. hand embroidery and hand painting on the cover of the book. you can use it as a journal, or even as a sketchbook. I'll sell these books in my housewares store..
Btw, I am preparing a housewares store and hopefully it can really work well. Why housewares? because i am a housewife! hahaha, i hate that word, reminds me of the word "desperate".
Very enjoyable holiday in Jogja! until I forgot to fill this blog for three weeks. June 2, I got a bouquet of flowers from my husband. celebrating three years of our relationship. hopefully stay together forever, happily ever after!